从/到南太浩湖, CA的巴士
在 XX 的巴士站点 南太浩湖, CA
Golden Nugget
50 US-50
89449 南太浩湖, CA
89449 南太浩湖, CA
Bus will board in front of the entrance near the Valet. CUS081 is operated by South Tahoe Airporter. For this route, FlixBus is only the ticket retailer. The vehicle will not be FlixBus-branded. Ticket includes 1 hand bag and 1 hold luggage. For customer support, please contact +1-866-898-2463.
South Lake Tahoe (Harveys Lake Tahoe Hotel)
18 Hwy 50
89449 南太浩湖, CA
89449 南太浩湖, CA
Bus boards in the Harveys parking lot along Stateline Ave. CUS081 is operated by South Tahoe Airporter. For this route, FlixBus is only the ticket retailer. The vehicle won't be FlixBus-branded. Ticket includes 1 hand bag and 1 hold luggage. For customer support, please contact +1-866-898-2463.
South Lake Tahoe (Harrah's Lake Tahoe Hotel)
15 US-50
89449 南太浩湖, CA
89449 南太浩湖, CA
Bus will board in front of the entrance near the valet. CUS081 is operated by South Tahoe Airporter. For this route, FlixBus is only the ticket retailer. The vehicle will not be FlixBus-branded. Ticket includes 1 hand bag and 1 hold luggage. For customer support, please contact +1-866-898-2463.
55 US-50
89449 南太浩湖, CA
89449 南太浩湖, CA
Bus boards near the side entrance of the hotel by CVS. CUS081 is operated by South Tahoe Airporter. For this route, FlixBus is only the ticket retailer. The vehicle will not be FlixBus-branded. Ticket includes 1 hand bag and 1 hold luggage. For customer support, please contact +1-866-898-2463.
4130 Lake Tahoe Blvd
96150 南太浩湖, CA
96150 南太浩湖, CA
Bus will board in front of the entrance at the valet. CUS081 is operated by South Tahoe Airporter. For this route, FlixBus is only the ticket retailer. The vehicle will not be FlixBus-branded. Ticket includes 1 hand bag and 1 hold luggage. For customer support, please contact +1-866-898-2463.
South Lake Tahoe (Edgewood Tahoe Resort)
180 Lake Pkwy
89449 南太浩湖, CA
89449 南太浩湖, CA
Bus boards in front of the entrance at the Edgewood Lodge. CUS081 is operated by South Tahoe Airporter. For this route, FlixBus is only the ticket retailer. The vehicle won't be FlixBus-branded. Ticket includes 1 hand bag and 1 hold luggage. For customer support, please contact +1-866-898-2463.
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美国 |
- 雷诺/斯帕克斯, 内华达州
- 纽约, NY
- 洛杉矶, CA
- 华盛顿特区
- 亚特兰大, 佐治亚州
- 波士顿, MA
- 休斯顿, TX
- 芝加哥, IL
- 达拉斯, TX
- 费城, PA
- 拉斯维加斯, NV
- 奥兰多, FL
- 迈阿密, FL
- 菲尼克斯-坦佩, AZ
- 圣安东尼奥, TX
- 纽瓦克, NJ
- 巴尔的摩, MD
- 奥斯汀, TX
- 底特律, MI
- 西雅图, WA
- 洛杉矶, CA - 拉斯维加斯, NV
- 波士顿, MA - 纽约, NY
- 纽约, NY - 波士顿, MA
- 纽约, NY - 华盛顿特区
- 华盛顿特区 - 纽约, NY
- 纽约, NY - 费城, PA
- 费城, PA - 纽约, NY
- 纽约, NY - 大西洋城, NJ
- 拉斯维加斯, NV - 洛杉矶, CA
- 达拉斯, TX - 休斯顿, TX
- 休斯顿, TX - 达拉斯, TX
- 大西洋城, NJ - 纽约, NY
- 巴尔的摩, MD - 纽约, NY
- 多伦多, ON - 纽约, NY
- 纽约, NY - 巴尔的摩, MD
- 圣安东尼奥, TX - 休斯顿, TX
- 不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华 - 西雅图, WA
- 休斯顿, TX - 圣安东尼奥, TX
- 蒙特利尔, PQ - 纽约, NY
- 奥斯汀, TX - 休斯顿, TX